Monday, January 16, 2012

Berries are Beautiful

Found this today and thought I would share:

The more vaccines are studied, the more apparent it becomes that proper vaccine studies are lacking, as VACCINE EXPERT and pediatrician Larry Palevsky explains. There is a major difference between natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity. Obtaining natural immunity has far greater benefits.

When children are born, they develop natural immunity to a large variety of microorganisms that they breathe, eat, and touch. The immune responses by cells lining their airways, skin and intestines, are very important in creating "memory" and protection against the organisms they naturally come into contact with. That primary line of defense is a very important step in the maturation of your child's immune system—and it's bypassed when he/she gets a vaccine.

With vaccination, you are merely creating an antibody.

Vaccines do NOT impart long-term immunity because they don't create the kind of memory that occurs when you go through the process of a natural immune response. And natural exposure does not necessarily lead to infection—it is possible to obtain natural immunity without actually getting sick, if your immune system is robust. In fact, vaccines do NOT strengthen the healthy functioning of the immune system, but actually may weaken it.


FYI - Contamination Scandal - FVIII (protein used in vaccines)
In the 1980s, some pharmaceutical companies such as Bayer sparked controversy by continuing to sell contaminated Factor VIII after new heat-treated versions were available. Batches of this product that were tainted with HIV - to the knowledge of both Bayer and the US government and the FDA - were pulled from US markets and sold to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries, protecting the companies' monetary profits but infecting thousands with HIV.

Food and Drug Administraion (FDA) "A MAJOR problem with PROTEIN-based therapeutics is their immunogenicity, that is, their tendency to trigger an UNWANTED immune response against themselves. . . . . But there are so many differences among the IMMUNE systems of people that it is NOT LIKELY that researchers will be able to design a FVIII protein that is SAFE for all of them. Therefore we propose to take a personalized approach to predicting--and avoiding--immune responses to FVIII proteins. Our long-term goal is to develop a gene-based approach to identifying individuals whose immune system is likely to react to specific versions of GENETICALLY ENGINEERED therapeutic proteins so these patients can be treated with versions of these proteins that are LESS LIKELY to cause immune responses. . . . The CURRENT METHOD for predicting whether certain parts of such proteins will trigger antibody formation is challenging and EXPENSIVE" !!!

The key to OPTIMAL HEALTH lies with your IMMUNE SYSTEM

The modern word “immunity” derives from the Latin 'immunis' and means RESISTANCE of an organism to infection or disease.

The immune system is amazingly complex. It can recognize millions of different enemies, and it can enlist specialized cells and secretions to seek out and destroy each of them.

Your body is an extremely clever machine.

It knows how to breathe all by itself
It knows how to make a baby
It knows how to grow
It knows how to digest food
It knows how to eliminate waste
It knows how to circulate blood, oxygen and nutrients
It knows how to heal a wound
and it knows how to prevent and/or fight disease

The word VACCINE comes from the latin word Vaccinium - which means BERRY.

Berries are regarded as SUPERFOODS because of their high antioxidant content.

ANTIOXIDANTS are intimately involved in the PREVENTION of cellular damage -- the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases.

Antioxidants are molecules which can safely interact with free radicals and terminate the chain reaction BEFORE vital molecules are damaged.

BUT, berries and other SUPER foods CANNOT be patented to make money for the shareholders of major pharmaceutical companies, so you will not be offered this option! (see photo: Big Pharma is Big Business!