Saturday, April 16, 2011

Finally, SLEEP!

We went to the ENT on March 28th for Collin & the doctor highly reccomended tubes in the ears for him. The week prior to this visit was pure hell to be honest. Collin could NOT stop rubbing his ears. Poor guy was absolutely miserable and he was up ever half hour to an hour at night. John and I were so exhausted and I felt terrible for my little man being in so much pain and discomfort.
We were lucky enough to be scheduled for surgery on March 30th. I was amazed at how fast we were able to get that scheduled.. I figured we'd have to wait atleast another month. I was pretty nervous for Collin to be taken into surgery. I wanted to be with him.. right by his side.. holding his little hand.. but couldn't. They gave him Versed about 20 minutes before surgery. It was sad yet kind of funny. Before he had that he was screaming cause he was tired and hungry (wasn't allowed to eat for 12 hours before surgery) and wouldn't let me set him down. Once the meds kicked in he was so laid back and out of it. I think he had a smile on his face the whole time. He kept touching my face and looking at me eye to eye. It was sweet but I know it was just the meds haha. The normal Collin would have been jumping up and down on my lap, squeeling, and slapping my face! lol.
Anyways, the docs came in and as he was laying on his hospital bed then wheeled him away for surgery... I watched him go all the way down the hall until I couldn't see him anymore. He just layed there and was looking at all the docs around him that were pushing the bed. I wanted to cry. I should have been right next to him but I knew it was just a matter of minutes til I could hold him again.
I went to the waiting room and sat down... 12 minutes later I was being called back because the surgery was done and he was awake and hungry! I hurried back there and fed him and rocked him. We were released after he was done eating. We went back to the hotel and he slept for a couple hours. When he woke up he was very happy and ready to go so we went shopping around Quincy so he could get tired again for the ride home. He ended up sleeping the whole way home as well.
Since the surgery, Collin only wakes up once or twice a night for a very quick feeding then he is back out. It's amazing getting sleep again.. I was beginning to think all hope was lost in that department but the most important thing is that my little man is feeling so much better. He is no longer in pain and discomfort. He's finally able to sleep which has made him a much happier baby.. and has made mommy and daddy much happier too lol. His balance also improved immediately. He started taking a couple steps here and there a few days after the surgery but now just two weeks later he is all over the place!! I am just so happy for him. He's quite the little trooper. We go back to the ENT for a check up on Monday and in two weeks we'll be celebrating his FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!


Ashley said...

I'm so happy it has helped so much!!